Peer Reviewed Articles

25. “Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy: A Philosophy of Duality, Conflict, and Relationality,” Index Journal, 150 Years of Tragedy: Nietzsche, Art, Philosophy, eds. Paris Lettau and Vincent Le. (forthcoming).

24. “El pensamiento planetario de Nietzsche en Así hablo Zaratustra,” Pensando: Revista de Filosofía, Editora da Edufpi (Brasil), Dossier Nietzsche and Nature eds. Ricardo Espinoza Lolas and Nelson Oliviera. v. 14 n.33 (2023): 43-51.

23. “Esposito’s Political Ontology: Difference, Conflict and Community”, invited article for special issue on Roberto Esposito’s Instituting Thought. Cultural Critique 115, Spring 2022: 111-124.

Spanish: trans. Esteban Arellano, Revista Intempestivas (Mexico), (forthcoming).

22. “Natureza, caos e transformação: para uma antropologia filosófica transformadora”, invited article, Cadernos Nietzsche, v. 41 n.3, stembro-dezembro 2020, pp. 29-48.

21. “Giorgio Agamben, lector de Friedrich Nietzsche: una visión de conjunto”, Boletín del Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica 2018 (Universidad de Rosario, Argentina).

20. “Who is Nietzsche’s Homo Natura? Self-Knowledge, Probity and the Metamorphoses of the Human Being in Beyond Good and Evil 230”, Internationales Jarhbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie (2018): 33-49.

This article has been translated by Volkan Ay to Turkish in Özne Felsefe Bilim Yazilari, 31, 663-679, Fall 2019. ISBN 978-605-196-355-6.

19. “Is Nietzsche a Naturalist? Or How to Become a Responsible Plant”, Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (1) (2016): 61-80.

A shorter version of this article is also available in Spanish in an edited volume as “La filosofía vegetal de Friedrich Nietzsche” in La cuestión animal(ista), ed. Ivan Dario Avila Gaitan, 151-171, Bogotá: Ediciones desde abajo, 2016.

18. “What We Can Learn from Plants about the Creation of Values”, Nietzsche-Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung, Kontroversen: Was heißt und wie kann man Werte schaffen?, Vol. 44 (2015): 78-87.

17. “Are Values of Social or Individual Origin? And what is the Purpose of Values?”, Nietzsche-Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung, Kontroversen: Was heißt und wie kann man Werte schaffen?, Vol. 44 (2015):  136-141.

16. “Verdad, incorporación y probidad (Redlichkeit) en Nietzsche”, Special Issue on Nietzsche and Politics, Estudios de Nietzsche 15 (2015): 63-81.

This article is also published as a book chapter in English with the title “Truth, Embodiment and Redlichkeit (Probity) in Nietzsche“, in Nietzsche on Consciousness and the Embodied Mind, 289-307, ed. Manuel Dries, Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag 2018.

15. “Nietzsche y la biopolítica: cuatro lecturas de Nietzsche como pensador biopolítico.Ideas y Valores Vol. 64, No. 158 (2015): 223-248.

A substantially different version of this article is also published in English as a book chapter, “Nietzsche and Biopolitics: Four Readings of Nietzsche as a Biopolitical Thinker“ in The Routledge Handbook of Biopolitics, 50-65, eds. Sergei Prozorow and Simona Rentea. London: Routledge, 2016.

This article has also been published in Turkish as "Nietzsche ve Biyopolitika: Biyopolitik Bir Düşünür Olarak Dört Nietzsche Okuması", trans. Onur Kartal (Hacettepe University, Department of Philosophy) in Biyopolitika Cilt 1: Platon'dan Arendt'e Biyopolitikanın Felsefi Kökenleri, NotaBene, Ankara, 2016: 217-249.

This article has also been translated into Chinese, trans. Weifeng Guo in World Philosophy 2019 (1): 80-95.

 This article has now also been translated to Portuguese by William Costa as “Nietzsche e a biopolítica: quatro leituras de Nietzsche como pensador biopolítico”, Estudos Nietzsche, Espírito Santo, v. 11, n. 2, p. 182-205, jul./dez. 2020.

14. “Nuevas direcciones en el pensamiento sobre la comunidad”, Revista Instantes y Azares – Escrituras nietzscheanas 13 (2015): 207-220.

13. “Shedding New Light on the Ethical Dimension of Nietzsche’s Philosophy”, Nietzsche-Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung, Vol.43 (2014): 347-358.

14. “La encarnación de la verdad y la política de la comunidad: Foucault y los cínicos”, Anales del Seminario de Historia de Filosofía, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013): 225-242.

This article is also published as a book chapter in English with the title “The Embodiment of Truth and the Politics of Community: Michel Foucault and the Cynics,” in The Government of Life: Michel Foucault, Biopolitics and Neoliberalism, 208-223, eds. Vanessa Lemm and Miguel Vatter. New York: Fordham University Press, 2014.

It is also published as a book chapter in Italian with the title “La biopolitica della comunita nei Cinici” in Italian Theory, 255-272, eds. Dario Gentili and Eletra Stimilli. Rome: Derive Approdi, 2015.

It is also published in Portuguese as “A Encarnação da Verdade e a Política da Comunidade: Foucault e os Cínicos” in Michel Foucault: Desdobramentos, eds. Nalli, Marcos and Mansano, Sonia, 41-57. Belo Horizonte: Ed. Autêntica, 2016.

13. “Nietzsche and Heidegger on Justice”, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2013): 439-455.

12. “Nietzsche, Einverleibung and the Politics of Immunity,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 21 (1) (2013): 3-19.

11. “Poder, vida, subjetivación: perspectivas en torno a la biopolítica”, co-authored with Miguel Vatter, Revista de Estudios Sociales, No. 43 (2012): 166-173.

10. “The Question of the Animal: A Response to Hatab and Schrift”, New Nietzsche Studies Vol. 8, Issue ¾ (Winter/Spring 2011/12): 143-158.

9. “History, Life and Justice in Friedrich Nietzsche’s Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben”, The New Centennial Review (special issue on Life) 10 (3) (2011): 167-88.

8. “Más allá de la política de la dominación”, Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia, No. 31 (December 2010): 9-25.

7. “Dar y Perdonar en Nietzsche y Derrida”, Pensamiento, No. 294 (December 2010): 963-979.

6. “Critical Theory and Affirmative Biopolitics: Nietzsche and the Domination of Life in Adorno and Horkheimer”, Journal of Power (Special issue on Critical Theory), 3:1 (2010): 75-95.

A shorter version of this essay has been published under the title “Teoría crítica y biopolítica afirmativa: La dominación de la vida en Nietzsche y Adorno/Horkheimer” in Nietzsche e as ciências, edited by Miguel Ángel de Barrenechea, Charles Feitosa, Paulo Pinheiro y Rosana Suarez, 297-310. Río de Janeiro:7Letras, 2011.

This essay also appeared in the German translation under the title “Das Problem der Naturbeherrschung bei Nietzsche und Adorno/Horkheimer: Affirmative Biopolitik und die Dialektik der Aufklärung,” with Zeitschrift für kritische Theorie 32/33 (2011): 85-110.

5. “Nietzsche y el olvido del animal”, Arbor: ciencia, pensamiento, cultura, no. 736 (2009): 471-482.

4. “Nietzsches Vision einer „neuen Aristokratie“, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (2008): 365-383.

3. “Animality, Historicity and Creativity: A Reading of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben”, Nietzsche-Studien, Vol. 36 (2007): 169-200.

2. “Is Nietzsche a Perfectionist? Rawls, Cavell and the Politics of Culture in Nietzsche’s Schopenhauer as Educaton”, Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Vol. 34, (2007): 5-27.

This article is also being translated into Portuguese with the title "Nietzsche é um perfeccionista? Rawls, Cavell e a política cultural de Nietzsche em Schopenhauer como educador" in "Cadernos Nietzsche", Sao Paolo, Brazil (forthcoming).

A different version of this article was also published in Spanish with the title “Nietzsche y la libertad individual: Rawls, Cavell y el debate sobre el valor del perfeccionismo para la democracia,” Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia, No. 28, (July 2009): 87-104.

1. Memory and Promise in Arendt and Nietzsche”, Revista de Ciencia Política, Vol. 26, No.2 (2006): 161-174.

This article is also published in Spanish in Hannah Arendt, Sobrevivir al/del Totalitarismo, Miguel Vatter and Horst Nitschak, eds., 139-154, Santiago: LOM, 2008.